Here is a chance for young woman to find mentorship in older women and support in each other. Let's tune into our bodies menstrual cycle with nature as a guide, and bring awareness to the many ways that this cycling helps us grow and create answers to our longings. We will look at hormonal and physical changes in the body, as well as the attributes and energies these changes invoke. This blog post has more details on these cyclical changes.
We will explore
the gifts of the 8 parts of our cycle
our innate wisdom
grief literacy
shame resilience
vulnerability and boundaries
finding creativity
Though we have everything in us to find our own answers, we were never meant to do it alone. In this circle we will find in each other support with our troubles, with dreaming, with creating and with celebrating. Nature is also a support from all around us. Nature also knows what it is to cycle, with her seasons.
5 weekly evening gatherings
6:30 to 9 pm
Nov 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, Dec1st
On Salt Spring Island
Location will be given upon registration
Cost: $180, plenty of scholarships available.
This includes a copy of the women’s cycle poster.
For who?
Women who have just started their bleed up to age 30
Women who have stopped cycling due to contraception or other causes are welcome
Female bodied people of any gender identity and expression are welcome
Women of all shapes, sizes, colours and backgrounds are welcome
8 spots available
The Facilitators
Sofia Jain-Schlaepfer
For many years my cycle meant to me little more than troublesome emotions, inconvenience and embarrassment. It took me 5 years of dealing with chronic uterine pain, and the prospect of loosing my cycle to realize just what a miracle it is. Not only does it allow us to actually create life, it has inherent in it all the wisdom we need to become our most creative and alive selves. I profoundly wish I had guidance in discovering the power of my cycle and would really love to share this.
Sofia has a diverse background of nature connection, grief work facilitation, teaching primitive skills for all ages.

Cat Gibbs
Like many women of her generation, Cat was given very little information about her monthly cycle, stumbling into learning about her body and her cycles accidentally and, at times, with a wee bit of horror! She has sat in circle with women for many years now, both as participant and facilitator, responding to others from a place of aliveness and love for herself and often with an irreverent sense of humour.
Cat is a mentor and anchor to many young adults in the Salt Spring community. She is sought out for her capacity for deep listening, her long acquaintance with shame and shame resilience, her warm and joyful heart and her trauma-informed approach. Cat has spent over ten years working for SelfDesign Learning Community as an Educator, mentoring and supporting parents in unravelling deeply held beliefs around children, parenting, school, and learning.
One of her core gifts is helping others to feel fully alive. She gives this gift by noticing what is moving in others, helping them to laugh, connect with themselves, and know they have a right to exist in the world.